TechScience UK is a software and consultancy company focused on helping Architectural, Engineering, and Construction offices provide the best possible services when implementing new software.
Our team consists of Architects and Engineers with many years of experience in the fields of Architecture and Structural Engineering. With our practical knowledge of the industry, we can provide much more than any typical technical software support. Including additional design & consultancy services, that can help our clients to be more productive and meet today’s needs in quality and speed.
Using Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) software, structural engineers can perform seismic analysis so that structures are built to resist seismic events, thereby protecting the structures and their occupants. ELS is built to make it easy for structural engineers to perform static or dynamic non-linear analysis using the Applied Element Method (AEM) , the only method of analysis that automatically calculates crack initiation, propagation and separation of elements. With ELS, engineers are not only capable of analyzing buildings, but all structures such as bridges, stadiums, cranes, pipelines and so forth.
Multi-Hazard Analysis
Nonlinear Eigen Modes
Time History Seismic Analysis
Collapsed Historic Structure
Seismic Analysis Features Include:
As-designed models can be built using presets or custom geometries in a 3D modeling environment
Detailed reinforcement can be easily modeled
Non-linear static “push-over” analysis
Import Earthquake Time-History in the X, Y, & Z directions
Seismic acceleration or displacement time history analysis
Automatic consideration of the P-delta effect
Takes into account the geometrical non-linear changes that occur within the structure