Re-boost your business with cloud-based CAD solutions
Over the past year there has had to be a significant increase in the number of AEC industry professionals working remotely for the very first time and this is something that certainly takes some getting used to, for any team.
Therefore, to save you on any further time used on researching how you can adjust to this new environment, we thought we would share a new to the UK market online CAD software which could make working remotely a some-what surprisingly beneficial change for you, your team and your business!
Strengthen Teamwork using Cloud CAD:
Create, Edit, Comment, and Review Your DWGs Easily in a Team
Working from anywhere with complete, collaborative access to shared documents is fast becoming standard workgroup practice. Up until recent times, professionals who needed to work together using technical drawings did not have the same level of freedom as those who now use Cloud-based solutions such as Google Docs, Salesforce, Oracle Netsuite, or other Web-based productivity services.
Graebert ARES Kudo is an agile Cloud-based CAD solution offering a unique value proposition for efficient teamwork where a need to collaborate around technical drawings exists.
Kudo allows teams to author, share, and modify CAD files. It is a true CAD editor, and also the centerpiece of a collaborative ecosystem for technical drawings. Start a free 1-month trial of Online CAD ARES Kudo today and see for yourself.
The Benefits:
- Always ready to use and up-to-date
- Collect feedback and validation
- Collaboration tools
- Continuity of work
- Synchronise files
- Session handling
- Secured access
"We are not shy to say that Graebert’s ARES Kudo technology is years ahead from any competition"
WilFried Graebert, CEO and founder of Graebert GmbH