How much time would Revu save you?
Revu saves the average user an impressive +- 37 Mins per day
Read on to see how this substantial saving adds up over a period of time as AEC industry professionals continue to implement the program, allowing them to collaborate digitally and therefore get more done with the time that they have.
Time savings per team:

1 User of Bluebeam Revu
Time Savings: 37 Minutes per day
Allowing individuals to focus on more high-impact work.
10 Users of Bluebeam Revu
Time Savings: 61 Days per year
Adding up to more than 2 months of extra work time for your team.
50 Users of Bluebeam Revu
Time Savings: 308 Days per year
An incredible 4/5 of a year would be saved for a team of 50 applying Revu!
Turbocharge your design review:
"The advantage of doing design review inside of Studio Sessions is having all of your information and comments in one place on one set of files."
Jeanette Popiel, Product Manager
Digital transformation to the rescue
In more recent years, the digital transformation in the construction industry has played a significant role in making many common industry workflows easier and more efficient. Design review is one workflow that has benefited largely from the evolution of the digital age in construction.
In particular, just as Bluebeam Revu has played a hugely valuable role in digitising the process of viewing and marking up PDF documents, Studio in Revu—which allows any user to store and manage documents with Studio Projects as well as collaborate on documents with Studio Sessions—has completely transformed the way project teams are able to facilitate the design review process.
In particular, just as Bluebeam Revu has played a hugely valuable role in digitising the process of viewing and marking up PDF documents, Studio in Revu—which allows any user to store and manage documents with Studio Projects as well as collaborate on documents with Studio Sessions—has completely transformed the way project teams are able to facilitate the design review process.
This story was originally published by Bluebeam, Inc. on the Bluebeam Blog.